Visual Facilitation | Graphic Recording

This section shows examples of my visualization work for groups and their processes: from business to research, from culture to education.

The power of graphic facilitation lies in the group process. Making the key insights of a creative group dialogue visible for all makes a shared vision shine: it gains presence, reach and impact. Visualization helps to sift more efficiently through ideas, to name core insights of a creative process and to structure the implementation, the realization of plans.
Making a group’s dialogue visible gives a core benefit back to those who are present and who invest in the conversation: It makes their effort tangible like a construction stone, a base ready to build upon.
The more closely visual facilitation is tied to the design of a meeting or event, the bigger its Aha-effect & impact for the participants. Let’s talk about how my visualization helps your intentions to take form: marianna.poppitz[at]